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Unload Oracle data form query

OraCmd can unload data from query.

A Short Example

This section contains a short example showing how OraCmd unload data from a query.

The Table

We used the following SQL statement to create the table:

	create table JOBS
	  JOB_ID     VARCHAR2(10) not null,

Just need unload the data in "job_id" and "job_title" fields to file.

OraCmd commmand

	unload query="select job_id,job_title from jobs"
Oracle export oracle query command

Or a batch file(replace the userid with your own database user info. The lines wrap in this page, but in the file is 1 line.):

	"C:\Program files\OraCmd\OraCmd" userid=hr/hr@localhost:1521:xe task=unload 
	query="select job_id,job_title from jobs"
	datafile=e:\temp\tables\jobs_part.txt delimiter="," header=y

The Datafile


The OraCmd parameter descriptions are as follows:

delimiter: delimiter char ("|",",","#","TAB","WHITESPACE")

quote: quote char (quote="'" => single quotes, quote="chr(34)" => double quotes)

recorddelimiter: record delimiter, default is CRLF

header: y|n, print field name at first line

exportclob: y|n, export clob data to file

table: table name ("all" for unload all tables)

query: sql query string (can not use multi-line sql)

sqlfile: sql script file contains the query you want to unload

schema: schema name, use this prameter to unload specific schema's data, if not set, use logon user's default schema

datafile: data file name

folder: data files folder (for unload all table)

dateformat: date format (e.g. "YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS")

timestampformat: timestamp format (e.g. ''YYYY-MM-DD-HH24.MI.SS.FF6'')

buffer: Number of rows that will be transferred across the network at the same time. 
  This property can have a great impact on performance. 
  So it is preferable to choose the optimal value of buffer for each SQL statement and software - hardware configuration experimentally. 
  The default value is 25.

quit = y|n (quit OraCmd after run batch file)