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Form http://www.dba-oracle.com/t_dbms_lob.htm

About Oracle dbms_lob

Oracle provides the DBMS_LOB package which is used to access and manipulate LOB values in both internal or external storage locations. 

dbms_lob Routines That Can Modify BLOB, CLOB, And NCLOB Values 
* APPEND() - append the contents of the source LOB to the destination LOB 

* COPY() - copy all or part of the source LOB to the destination LOB 

* ERASE() - erase all or part of a LOB 

* LOADFROMFILE() - load BFILE data into an internal LOB (8.0.3 and higher)

* TRIM() - trim the LOB value to the specified shorter length 

* WRITE()- write data to the LOB from a specified offset 


Routines That Read Or Examine LOB Values in dbms_lob 
* GETLENGTH() - get the length of the LOB value 

* INSTR() - return the matching position of the nth occurrence of the pattern in the LOB 

* READ() - read data from the LOB starting at the specified offset 

* SUBSTR() - return part of the LOB value starting at the specified offset 


dbms_lob Read-Only Routines Specific To Bfiles
* FILECLOSE() - close the file 

* FILECLOSEALL()- close all previously opened files 

* FILEEXISTS() - check if the file exists on the server 

* FILEGETNAME() - get the directory alias and file name 

* FILEISOPEN() - check if the file was opened using the input BFILE locators 

* FILEOPEN() - open a file 

dbms_lob Datatypes
Parameters for the DBMS_LOB routines use the datatypes: 

* BLOB, for a source or destination binary LOB 

* RAW, for a source or destination raw buffer (used with BLOB) 

* CLOB, for a source or destination character LOB (including NCLOB) 

* VARCHAR2, for a source or destination character buffer (used with CLOB and NCLOB) 

* INTEGER, to specify the size of a buffer or LOB, the offset into a LOB, or the amount to access

dbms_lob examples
The following SQL statements show the rule conditions for the above mentioned rules:

SELECT dbms_lob.substr(rule_condition,dbms_lob.getlength(rule_condition),1) rule_condition FROM dba_rules where rule_name = 'NY270'

((:dml.get_object_owner () = 'NY2') and :dml.is_nul
l_tag() = 'Y' and :dml.get_source_database_name ()


FROM dba_rules where rule_name = 'NY271'

BEGIN dbms_lob.read (:1, :2, :3, :4); END;2121 1 0 10251 488
alter session set nls_language= 'AMERICAN' 
nls_territory= 7 1 0 3975 408'AMERICA' 
nls_currency= '$' nls_iso_currency='AMERICA'
nls_numeric_characters= '.,' nls_calENDar='GREGORIAN'
nls_date_format= 'DD-MON-YY' nls_date_language= 'AMERICAN'
nls_sort= 'BINARY' 
BEGIN :1 := dbms_lob.getLength (:2); END; 6 1 0 9290 448
SELECT TO_CHAR(image_seq.nextval) FROM dual6 1 0 6532 484
SELECT graphic_blob FROM internal_graphics 
SELECT RPAD(TO_CHAR(graphic_id),5)||':1 1 0 7101 472
'||RPAD(graphic_desc,30)||' : '||RPAD(graphic_type,10) 
FROM internal_graphics ORDER BY graphic_id
SELECT graphic_blob FROM internal_graphics