Append CSV data to MySQL table via command line on Macos


Want to append the data from CSV file to the existing MySQL table via command line on MacOS?

Using my-cmd, you can append CSV/TSV/TXT data into existing MySQL (MariaDB, Percona) table easily and fast, no need to program.

Here you can download my-cmd MacOS version.

No need to install MySQL client library.

Convenient to deploy to cloud. No need to run installation file, just uncompress and run, immediately.

Append CSV/TSV/TXT data to existing MySQL (MariaDB, Percona) table via command line on MacOS

1. In interactive mode:

my-cmd> load loadtype=append
      > table=media_messages 
      > datafile=/Users/pan/Documents/media_messages.csv 
      > delimiter=, 
      > quote=" 
      > header=y;

2. In batch mode:

my-cmd dsn="pan:withdata@" task=load loadtype=append table=media_messages datafile=/Users/pan/Documents/media_messages.csv delimiter=, quote=" header=y quit=y

See parameters detail.

More about my-cmd – the tool to append CSV/TSV/TXT data to existing MySQL (MariaDB, Percona) table via command line on Windows/Linux/MacOS

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