Withdata Software

Batch import XML files to MongoDB collections

Want to batch import data from XML files to MongoDB collections?

Using FileToMongo, you can bulk import data from XML files to MongoDB collections easily and fast, no need to program, just a few mouse clicks!

Support all MongoDB deployment types: standalone, replica set, sharded cluster, and MongoDB Atlas.

Support Windows, Linux, macOS.

Here’s how to.


Please download and install FileToMongo, then run it.

Click “N File To N Collection” at task dialog.

then show the wizard.

Select the “XML” file type.

1. Open a folder contains XML files.

2. Set XML options.

3. List collesions, set “Import Type”.

4. Map files to collections.

5. Summary.

6. Import XML data to MongoDB collections.

After importing, you can view imported data.

Save/load session

You can save/load session to run “XML files to MongoDB collections” conversion repeatly.

1.Save Session.

Click “Save Session” button, then enter a session file name.

click “OK” button.

2.Load Session.

Click the “Open a Saved Session” in task window, select a session file.

then show the wizard form, click a few “Next” to import XML files to MongoDB collections.

Run in command line

You can run “XML files to MongoDB collections” conversion in command line.

When you save session, you can click “Save & Make Batch File”.

The “Save & Make Batch File” form shows.

Click “OK” button, you’ll create a batch file, in Windows, like this:

cd "C:\Users\pansh\AppData\Local\Programs\FileToMongo"
FileToMongo task="C:\Users\pansh\Documents\test.mla" logfile="C:\Users\pansh\Documents\test.log"

You can run this batch file in command line.

Run as scheduled task

You can run “XML files to MongoDB collections” conversion automatically at specific time.

On Linux/macOS, you can use Crontab.

For macOS, How to Fix Cron Permission Issues in macOS.

On Windows, in “Save & Make Batch File” form, you can click “Create & Schedule Task” to set a scheduled task.

And then, with scheduled task wizard, step by step.

You’ll see created task listed in scheduled task list.


Here you can download FileToMongo, and buy FileToMongo.

Download FileToMongo